The Best Moving Checklist to Start Your Move on the Right Foot

Everyone is excited to find a new house, new neighborhood, and a new life. They aren’t excited, however, to come home to pack out their old house. If only there were a way to have everything organized and ready to go when moving day arrives. Don’t worry – here is the best moving checklist just for you!

You’ll need a notebook and a pen. You’ll need moving boxes, packing tape, either labels or a Sharpie, and bubble wrap.


Eight Weeks Before Moving Day

Decide whether you’ll rent a truck to DIY, hire a moving company, or reserve a POD or container. Research moving companies, compare prices and go with the method that works best for you. Book the date of the move. This will be your first note in your notebook.

Prepare a paper or digital file. In it will go any paperwork pertaining to the move. Your old and new leases, papers from the moving company or truck rental, financial papers, education papers (if any), utilities, and insurance papers will go into the file.

Take photos of the house before and after you pack. There will be a photographic record of any damages or lack thereof. Do the same at the new house.

Six Weeks Before Moving Day

Set up an organizational method of packing such as which labeled or numbered box goes in which room. Remember to note odd-shaped things like shovels and rakes, snow blower, lawn mower, brooms, and mops, etc. which will go in the car with you. Also note any valuables such as jewelry, electronics, and passports that will also go in the car with you.

Decide which things will stay and which can be sold, donated, or given away. Facebook Marketplace and eBay are good places to sell furnishings and other things. What’s left over can be given to the Salvation Army or donated to churches or community centers.

Four Weeks Before Moving Day

Confirm and/or finalize contracts with the moving company. Notify the utilities to be shut off the day of the move. Notify the utilities at the new house to have them turned on moving day. Notify schools, doctors, banks, insurance personnel, and change of address at the post office.

Begin packing things you don’t use every day. Wrap delicate things in blankets, towels, winter coats, and even socks for extra padding. Number or label the boxes according to your organizational chart.

Begin using the food in the fridge and freezer. There will always be something left on moving day. Donate or give away what’s left the day before moving day.

Two Weeks Before Moving Day

By now, you should only have to pack the items you use every day. Remember to pack the window treatments, shower curtains, and leave a roll of toilet paper for moving day.

One Week Before Moving Day

Clean both old and new houses. Pack an essentials box with a couple of changes of clothing, personal toiletries, alarm clock, towels, soap, and food for a couple of days. Separate things to go in the car from packed boxes.


Moving Day

Remove any trash. Check the house for anything left behind. Pack your car. Get the kids and any pets organized. Coordinate with the movers, leave your keys, lock up, and you’re on your way!

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